
Thank you for visiting this personal portfolio site of Nishanta Poudel. You are warmly appreciated! This Page deals with the Privacy Policy of our website.


This is a personal portfolio website created by Nishanta Poudel. The template for this website is used from Coding Nepal Web. All the information placed in this website genuenely belongs to Nishanta Poudel, the only owner and copyright holder of all the information placed in this site. The misuse of any of my personal information shall be illegal and one shall strictly take my permission to use any data of mine in their website or documentations. All the information of any other person or institution mentioned in this website is kept with their autentic permission. Cookies are active in this website in order to provide a user friendly experience to anyone who visits my site. Mentioning this site at any other platperform is allowed, however, one shall just inform in order for me to track where I've been mentioned. Feel free to connect with me by my of the social media links presented in this website.


The domain of this website was registered from the official domain registration website of Nepal, register.com.np This website is hosted through github web hosting services and powered by cloudflare web hosting services. All accounts are active and up to date. Its assured that no any violations of any kind of terms or policy is done. No any offensive materials are placed in this site. However, if someone finds anything offensive, please immideately contact me trough any means mentoned in the site.

Thanks for your appreciation.